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Telephone / Zoom / Skype Counseling
"Telephone counseling (which I started offering in March 2000) has proven a powerful method for helping people implement the blueprint for inner child healing that I have developed.  This blueprint can be invaluable to people just starting the recovery / healing process, and is often the missing piece that people who have been healing for decades have been seeking.  What is unique about my approach is that all of the tools are brought together in a focused system for achieving integration and balance - and even someone who has a very good therapist right now (or is a very good therapist), can still find it very beneficial to do some phone sessions with me to learn this approach.
What I do is not traditional counseling, it is more directive in that I am going to be teaching you how to own the power to change how you relate to your self, to life, and to other people by helping you to understand your own internal process from a new perspective - that allows you to understand the dynamics of codependency - and learn how to set internal boundaries so that you can change your patterns and take power away from the old tapes and childhood wounds.  So, what I normally like to do is take the first 2 to 2 1/2 hours (a brief overview of what I cover in my day long Intensive Training workshop) to help you understand both the wounding and recovery process from a new perspective that will empower you to stop feeling like the victim of your own thoughts and own feelings and learn to set internal boundaries - during that time, I do most of the talking with you asking questions for clarity. After that you do most of the talking about your issues and patterns and I help you to integrate the new perspective so that you can relate to your self with more compassion and love - and can start changing how to you relate to life and other people to a way that works better than the way you learned in childhood.
It is possible to get started with the purchase of an hour and a half initial session or a package of at least 3 one hour sessions.  The approach to the inner child healing that I talk about on my web site is one I pioneered - and is not widely known yet.  The tools, techniques, and perspectives that I have combined in my blueprint for inner child healing are designed to empower people to start having a more Loving relationship with self - and the phone work has proven to be effective in helping people to do that in a matter of weeks." - Telephone Counseling Information page.

Initial phone / Zoom / Skype counseling session 1 1/2 hrs $82.50



​Initial phone / Zoom /Skype counseling + 2 follow up sessions $175.00

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​My goal in working with people is to empower them to be in-dependent. To teach people how to have internal boundaries so that they can separate the messages coming from the old tapes and old wounds from the messages of intuitive Truth from their Spirit - so that they can start learning how to relax and trust their Spirit to guide them. . . . The telephone counseling has proven a wonderful venue for being able to help individuals to see where they are at on their own personal path with some clarity and compassion - from people who are just starting recovery to people who have been on a healing, recovery, spiritual path for many years.” - Robert Burney

​​Special Offers for telephone / Skype / Zoom counseling

Special offers for Life Changing Telephone Counseling with Robert Burney.

Special Offers
Special offer for one hour Telephone Counseling Consultation $55.00 normally $70



​Two one hour sessions (normally $135) for $105.00 ($52.50 per hour) 

Four one hour sessions (normally $250) for  $190.00  ($47.50 per hour)
Six one hour sessions (normally $350) for  $270.00  ($45.00 per hour
"In 2010 I worked with Robert and it was one of the best investments I ever made in myself...truly changed my life!"

"I just wanted to say that Robert is an amazing counselor, and he knows how to truly listen, which is a gift very very few people possess. His phone counseling is life changing and worth far more than he charges."

"With Robert's teachings, my life opened up in ways I never thought possible."

"Thanks again for all your guidance, it really has changed my life in a very significant way.  I am very grateful our paths have crossed."

"Robert, the positive impact of your work and counseling has had immeasurable impact on me."

"You are a life changing signpost  and I am very greatful to have come across your website and received the most wonderful counseling from you."


(It is now possible to get phone cards to call US for very cheap rates from many places in the world - and also to use Skype or Zoom for free from anywhere.​​​

Three hour sessions $150.00. ($50 per hour

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