Abundant Spirituality + codependency recovery + inner child healing + Love = Joy2MeU2
Inner Child Healing, Abundant Spirituality, codependency recovery, dysfunctional relationships, emotional healing, Spiritual Transformation, 12 steps, New Age Metaphysics, Twelve Step Principles, twin souls, Enlightenment, codependent dynamics, karmic settlement, grief process therapy, Christ Consciousness, dysfunctional families, early childhood trauma, co-dependence, hundredth monkey principle, True Love, fear of intimacy, emotional abuse, toxic shame, vibrational frequency, mystic, child within, setting boundaries, Kindred Spirit, healthy romantic relationships, toxic love, codependence counselor, Goddess Energy, quantum physics, telephone counseling, recovering alcoholic, molecular biology, Karma, mystical Truth, Co-Dependents Anonymous, alcoholism, Great Spirit, Adult Children of Alcoholic syndrome, addictive / compulsive behavior, empowered co-creation, soul mate, The Dance of Wounded Souls, positive affirmations, personal empowerment, Loving Higher Power, inner peace, serenity, freedom, Joy to Me and You, Life changing workshop, Spiritual Integration Training, Empowerment & Inner Peace
This is the Site Index Page for the Joy2MeU2.com Web Site of Robert Burney and his self publishing company Joy to You & Me Enterprises.
Joy2MeU2.com is mobile friendly and includes links to articles on Joy2MeU.com and to those articles on mobile friendly sites.
Welcome to
The newly designed site index page for Joy2MeU2 / Joy2MeU Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependency counselor, author Robert Burney
and Joy to You & Me Enterprises

Robert Burney is a pioneer in the area of codependency recovery / inner child healing. His first book Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls has been called "one of the truly transformational works of our time” - and his work described as "taking inner child healing to a new level." His website http://joy2meu.com offers over 200 pages of free original content on codependency recovery, inner child healing, relationship dynamics, alcoholism/addiction, fear of intimacy, Twelve Step Spirituality, New Age Metaphysics, emotional abuse, setting boundaries, grief process, and much more. The Joy2MeU website - which Robert launched in February 1999 - is designed in an ancient design program which is not mobile friendly. This site - joy2meu2.com which is being launched in May 2018 - is a redesign of the joy2meu.com home page and site index page in mobile friendly format to link people to his free original content on sites that provide a mobile friendly format.
The plan was to just provide these two pages on this site #2 - but it changed already and a June 2018 Update Newsletter was added, followed by other pages.
Robert is the author of the
Joyously inspirational book
The Dance of Wounded Souls

February 14, 2019: Joy2MeU2 Update Newsletter February 2019
4/29/21 - New Article: Acceptance is the Answer
7/11/21 - New Article: Into The Forest - and out of Cambria
Announcing 12/11/22 2022 Holiday Sale - Sale page
Update 4/26/23: Working the Third Step - Asking for Help 2023 Update 5-14-23
10/1/23: An Update to the ASKing for Help page
4/25/24: Latest Update on Robert's health and reqest for help
At the end of August my Facebook was hacked - and I was locked out.
New one: https://www.facebook.com/Joy2MeU/
10/15/24: I announced the dates of Zoom Workshop in October for Western Hemisphere & Europe
republication 10/15/24 :- New Article 11/2/20 : Standing up to evil - and Accepting the Divine Plan
October 19th 2024: Update Newsletter Oct-19-24
January 18, 2025 - "Robert Burney’s Joy2MeU https://joy2meu.com/ website (launched in February 1999) offers over 200 pages of free original content on codependency recovery, inner child healing, relationship dynamics, alcoholism/addiction, fear of intimacy, Twelve Step Spirituality, New Age Metaphysics, emotional abuse, setting boundaries, grief process, and much more. Joy2meu.com is designed in a program that is obsolete (Netscape) - which is why I started a new Mobile Friendly site a couple of years ago (May 2018) - Joy2MeU2.com. I keep an old computer to work on Joy2meu.com, because it doesn’t work with any operating system from X on. It is probably not going to work one of these days, as it has been giving me more and more problems. I put this notice up a few years ago to let you know that very soon I may not be able to update the site, and it will be good to go to Joy2MeU2.com https://www.joy2meu2.com/ for the latest news."
January 18, 2025 - I put a form of this notice on my main website several years ago - and yesterday the development that I was concerned about came about - my old computer no longer works and I can no longer post on or update Joy2MeU.
I very much want to redesign the site (and make videos of the articles) so I can keep this information available long after I am gone. I would love to find someone who would love to sponsor the site and take it over when I am gone.
“I freely share so much information on my site because - as I say in the article above - I believe it is my Karmic Mission in this lifetime. I want to share the Joyous message and the precious information that I have discovered - and it is what I need to do for my Recovery and Spiritual Path. It is not such a great strategy when it comes to finances however.;-) So Donations to the Cause / Love Offerings / Spiritual Tithes are always appreciated if you feel my sharing has helped you in your Healing / Recovery process and on your Spiritual Path. If my writing has helped you remember Truth that brings you some Joy and inner peace, and your Spirit moves you to send some Love back my way, it would be greatly appreciated.” - Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving
February 7, 2025 - I have started a GoFundMe page to finance redesigning Joy2MeU and making audio and video recordings of all the articles. I want to make sure that the valuable information on my website is available after I am gone.
If anyone wants to send some Love my way it would be greatly appreciated. I need about $3000 to catch up but $10 helps. Praying to the Universe (Working the Third Step) for some Abundance to manifest in my life today.
Cashapp https://cash.app/$Joy2meu
Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Burney-10
PayPal Love2RKB@yahoo.com
What is Codependency / Codependence?
The evolution of the term Codependence/codependency
Codependence vs Interdependence
Codependence as Delayed Stress Syndrome
A Dance of Shame, Suffering, and Self-abuse
The Codependence Recovery Process
Emotional Abuse is Heart and Soul Mutilation
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility part 2
Setting Personal Boundaries - Protecting Self Part 3
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility part 4
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility part 5
Mobile - Inner Child Healing:
Inner Child Healing - How to begin
Inner Child Healing - Why Do It?
Loving the Wounded Child Within
Co-Creation: Owning your Power to Manifest Love
Grief, Love, & Fear of Intimacy
Fear of Intimacy - The Wounded Heart of Codependency
Reprogramming our dysfunctional ego defenses
Internal Boundaries - the key to emotional balance
Inner Awareness - Internal Census
Union Within - healing the inner child
Union Within - healing the inner child - 5 years later
Inner Child Healing Techniques
Setting Boundaries with inner children
The Inner Children that need Boundaries
Sanctuary Trauma ~ memories and emotional honesty
Recovery from Codependency / Inner Child Healing
Grieving - examples of how the process works
The Recovery Process for inner child healing:
Part 1: My Recovery Process and Taking Action
The Recovery Process for inner child healing - spiritual integration
The Recovery Process for Inner Child Healing - Through the Fear
Part 4: A Dance of Emotional Balance
Part 5: the process of processing
Part 6: The Process of Processing 2
Inner Child Healing - Choosing a therapist or counselor with discernment
Assignments for Jump Starting Codependency Recovery
Emotional Incest - emotionally devastating child abuse
Mobile - Alcoholism pages:
The Death of an Alcoholic - codependency kills alcoholic
Grave Emotional and Mental Disorders - AA language for Codependence
Serenity and Expectations - intimately interrelated
Gratitude - a Vital Tool in the Recovery Process
To Parents of Alcoholics / Addicts
Enabling & Rescuing vs Tough Love
The Miracle of The Twelve Step Recovery Process - a formula for integration and balance
The Miracle of The Twelve Step Recovery Process: The first three steps
The Miracle of The Twelve Step Process: Step 4 inventory
The Miracle of The Twelve Step Process: 4 thru 9 "The Clean Up Steps."
The Miracle of The Twelve Step Process: Steps 10 thru 12 - The Maintenance Steps
The condition of Codependency / Codependence
What is codependency / codependence ?
The evolution of the term "Codependence"
Codependence vs Interdependence
Codependence as Delayed Stress Syndrome
The codependent three step - A Dance of Shame, Suffering, & Self-Abuse
The Codependency Recovery Process
Emotional abuse is Heart and Soul Mutilation
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 1
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 2
Setting Personal Boundaries Part 3
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 4
Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 5
Inner Child Healing Pages index
Inner child healing - How to begin
Inner child healing - Why do it?
Loving the Wounded Child Within
Co-Creation: Owning your Power to Manifest Love
Grief, Love, & Fear of Intimacy
Reprogramming our dysfunctional ego defenses
Internal Boundaries - the key to balance
Inner Awareness - Internal Census
Setting Boundaries with inner children
The Inner Children that need Boundaries
Sanctuary Trauma ~ memories and emotional honesty
Grieving - examples of how the process works
The Recovery Process for inner child healing:
Sharing experience, strength, and hope, taking action
Choosing a counselor or therapist
Assignments for Jump Starting Codependency Recovery
Grave Emotional and Mental Disorders
To Parents of Alcoholics / Addicts
Enabling & Rescuing vs Tough Love
The Miracle of The Twelve Step Recovery Process:
A formula for integration and balance
The first three steps: 1, 2, 3, and a 1, 2, 3
4 thru 9 "The Clean Up Steps." - Step 4 inventory
4 thru 9 - the "house cleaning" steps
Mobile - Spiritual Beliefs:
Mystical Metaphysical Spirituality - a Loving belief system
A Kinder, Gentler, Cosmic Perspective of Spirituality
Spiritual/Metaphysical Truth (with a capital T) vs emotional truth
Loving and Nurturing self on your Spiritual Path
Powerlessness & Empowerment - why the 12 steps work
The Twelve Steps, different interpretations
The Twelve Steps - a formula for Spiritual integration
Spirituality for Agnostics and Atheists
The Recovery Process for inner child healing - spiritual integration
Serenity Prayer series
Discernment - The Wisdom to Know the Difference in Serenity Prayer
Serenity - Accepting the things we cannot change
Intellectual Discernment - focused within
Emotional Discernment - taking power away from the fear
Intellectual Discernment - shutting up the critical voice
Emotional Discernment - Watch how you speak
Intellectual Discernment - "have to" and the Holiday Season
Emotional Discernment - disarming the emotional mine field within
Intellectual Discernment - Choices, not "shoulds"
Higher Power of my own understanding series
A Higher Power of my own understanding
A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment
Spirituality - a broader perspective
Inspiration from the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous
Quantum Physics - expanding my Spiritual paradigm
Love as a vibrational frequency
Balance on the horizontal, Integration of the vertical
Higher Power of my own understanding - final word
Mobile - Romantic Relationships
Toxic Love - the dysfunctional, addictive, cultural norm
Relationships and Valentine's Day
Wedding Prayer / Meditation on Romantic Commitment
The Heart Break of Romantic Relationship
The Heart Break of Romantic Relationship - part 2
The Heart Break of Romantic Relationship - part 3
The Emotional Dynamics of Dysfunctional Romantic Relationships
The Emotional Dynamics of Dysfunctional Romantic Relationships 2
Codependent Dysfunctional Relationships Dynamics
Part 2 - Dysfunctional Definition of Love
Part 3 - Codependent & Counterdependent
Healthy Romantic Relationships
Part 1 Interdependent, not codependent
Part 3 Emotional Honesty Necessary
Part 4 Partners in the Journey
Part 5 Healthy Joyous Sexuality
Part 6 Romantic Love as a Concept
Part 8 Pay Attention and Communicate
Part 9 The Greatest Arena for Spiritual growth
An Adventure in Love - Loving and Losing Successfully
Letting Go of Unavailable People
A series of 14 (3 more are not on Mobile friendly site) articles focused on issues involving gender, sexuality, romantic relationships which evolved into articles focused on fear of intimacy:
Men and Women are from the same planet
Old tapes / traditional beliefs and gender roles for men and women
Monogamy - A Spiritual Teachers Perspective
Setting Internal Boundaries in relationship to Romantic, Sexual Relationships
Taking self worth out of the equation in Romantic Relationships
The Crippling Shame of Incest / Sexual Abuse
Sexuality Abuse - the legacy of shame based culture
Emotional Incest = Sexuality Abuse
Energetic Attraction - emotional familiarity or Karmic connection?
Emotional Intimacy = in to me see

Mobile - Metaphysical Pages
Old Souls and Karma - Karmic settlement in the New Age
Jesus & Mary Magdalene - Jesus, sexuality, & the bible
My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium
New Age Misinterpretations of Metaphysical Truth
Abundant Spirituality in the New Age
The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted
The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real
Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving ~ Donations / Love Offerings
Spiritual Belief System Pages index
Mystical Metaphysical Spirituality
A Kinder, Gentler, Cosmic Spirituality
The Twelve Steps, different interpretations
Spirituality for Agnostics and Atheists
Serenity Prayer series
Discernment - The Wisdom to Know the Difference
Serenity - Accepting the things we cannot change
Intellectual Discernment - focused within
Emotional Discernment - taking power away from the fear
Intellectual Discernment - shutting up the critical voice
Emotional Discernment - Watch how you speak
Intellectual Discernment - "have to" and the Holiday Season
Emotional Discernment - disarming the emotional mine field within
Intellectual Discernment - Choices, not "shoulds"
Higher Power of my own understanding series
A Higher Power of my own understanding
A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment
Spirituality - a broader perspective
Inspiration from the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous
Quantum Physics - expanding my Spiritual paradigm
Vibrational Dance - Universe = Dance of Energy
Love as a vibrational frequency
Balance on the horizontal, Integration of the vertical
Jesus & Mary Magdalene - Jesus, sexuality, & the Bible
My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium
New Age Misinterpretations of Metaphysical Truth
Abundant Spirituality in the New Age
The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted
The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real
Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving ~ Donations / Love Offerings
Romantic Relationships Pages index
Toxic Love - the dysfunctional, addictive, cultural norm
Romantic Relationships and Valentine's Day
Wedding Prayer/Meditation on Romantic Commitment
The Heartbreak of Romantic Relationships
The Emotional Dynamics of Dysfunctional Relationships
Codependent Relationships Dynamics - part 1
Codependent Relationships Dynamics -part 2
Codependent Relationships Dynamics - part 3
Codependent Relationships Dynamics - part 4
Healthy Romantic Relationships - Interdependent, not codependent
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 2
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 3
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 4
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 5
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 6
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 7
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 8
Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 9
An Adventure in Romance - Loving & Losing Successfully
Letting Go of Unavailable People
A series of 17 articles focused on issues involving gender, sexuality, romantic relationships which evolved into articles focused on fear of intimacy:
Men and Women are from the same planet
Old tapes / traditional beliefs and gender roles
Monogamy - A Spiritual Teachers Perspective
Setting Internal Boundaries in relationship to Romantic, Sexual Relationships
Taking self worth out of the equation in Romantic Relationships
The Crippling Shame of Incest / Sexual Abuse
Emotional Incest = Sexuality Abuse
Energetic Attraction - emotional familiarity or Karmic connection?
Emotional Intimacy = in to me see
Fear of Intimacy - Relationship Phobia
Codependent Defenses - Part 1 The Gatekeeper
Codependent Defenses - Part 2 disassociation vs healthy detachment
Codependent Defenses - Part 3 My Gatekeeper
Mobile: Miscellaneous Topics / Former Online Columns
Some articles from this section are on woundedsouls.com and several others I am substituting blog versions of those pages.
Empowerment and Victimization - the power of choice
Emotional Incest - emotionally devastating child abuse
The Journey to the Emotional Frontier Within - emotional defense mechanisms
Further Journeys to the Emotional Frontier Within
Roles In Dysfunctional Families
Holidays, Anniversaries, and Birthdays
Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 1
Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 2

Password Protected Areas of Joy2MeU
Dancing in Light
Information & Table of Contents (page not mobile friendly)
In September 2005 I created this new section of my site. It includes 28 pages that were formerly on Joy2MeU.com that are now in this password protected pay to view section of the site - 10 Chapters from the online book: Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective and Call for Higher Consciousness, the final 4 articles of the series of articles on The True Nature of Love, and including the last 13 chapters of Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2 A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life. The first two chapters of this Book 2 are available on mobile friendly sites and several others that I have published as blogs are included here.
Chapter 1 The codependency movement is NOT ruining marriages!
Chapter 2 The codependency movement is NOT ruining marriages! Part 2 Romantic Relationships & Toxic Love ~ Marriage & Divorce
Chapter 5: Codependency = conditioned reactive programming ~ Pavlov's Dog
Chapter 8: Codependents as Emotional Vampires
Chapter 10: Normal Families are Dysfunctional
Chapter 13: Changing the Music: Love instead of fear and shame

The Joy2MeU Journal is a publication I started in early 1999. It turned into something very intimately personal. Starting in 1999 and continuing through the end of 2004 I shared in this Journal a personal journal where I was processing through my fear of intimacy issues. There are at least a couple of million words of my history and processing in this body of work.
This Journal is "a body of work in a password protected part of the site where Robert published the story of his Spiritual Path (11 part), an ongoing personal recovery journal (58 installments), Attack on America (11 Chapters) online book not available on regular Joy2MeU site, and portions of his Trilogy (14 Chapters of a Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable)"
Both the story of my spiritual path and the personal journal are called:
The Path of one Recovering Codependent
~ the dance of one wounded soul
and it includes the story of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery on June 3rd 1986. The Story of Joy2MeU
The story of the Miracles in my recovery that led me to Cambria California (originally shared in October 2005 Update Newsletter)
In the Premier edition of the Joy2MeU Journal, I shared in the Newsletter about an experience I had on April 1st 1990. I refer to it as my April Fools Day Lesson about falling in love
The Trilogy is the first writing I did starting in the fall of 1988. It is a Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable which includes a history of the Universe unlike any which has ever been written. This is a book that will never be finished but writing this work helped me build and refine the foundation for my spiritual Belief system – and later spawned my book: Codependence: The Dance of the Wounded Souls.
The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1 - "In The Beginning . . ."
A Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable
History of the Universe Part I The Creation dream
My Update Newsletters
There are 55 Update Newsletters - some of which contain quite a bit of content about my growth process over the years, in addition to announcements about what has been added to Joy2MeU and news of Joy to You & Me. None of them are on mobile friendly sites - although some things that I added to Update Newsletter (like the Miracles story above - and the one just below) - have been published as blogs on mobile friendly wordpress.com.
I included in March 2007 Update Newsletter (that I later published in the blog linked here) about healing my relationship with my own masculine energy that includes excerpts from the Trilogy and Journal.
Here are the list of Update Newsletters on Joy2MeU siteindex page - which is not mobile friendly.
Mobile friendly versions of some of pages in right column:
Author's Biographical info (not as up to date as one on Joy2MeU)
update 10/24/24 Mobile Friendly New & News page
Mobile friendly landing site: recoverycodependence.com
The pages linked below are not mobile friendly.
Roles In Dysfunctional Families
Holidays, Anniversaries, and Birthdays
Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 1
Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 2
Letting Go of Unavailable People
The True Nature of Love - Part 1, what Love is not
The True Nature of Love - Part 2, Love as Freedom
The True Nature of Love - Part 3, Love as a Vibrational Frequency
The True Nature of Love - Part 4, Energetic Clarity
The True Nature of Love - Part 5, Romantic Relationships
The True Nature of Love - Part 6, Twin Souls, Souls Mates, Kindred Spirits
Buddha, Buddhism, and Japanese cultural dysfunction
Buddhism II and Communicating Clearly
Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective - 9/23/01
Attack on America - contents of online book

The pages linked below are not mobile friendly.
Phone Counseling Testimonials
Intensive Training Day workshop
Intensive Training Day Testimonials
Password protected areas (see descriptions on left):
Information & Table of Contents
Joy2MeU Journal

Information Page & Table of Contents
Premier Preview Issue of Journal includes:
Newsletter - Birth of the Journal
The Story of "Joy to You & Me"
Robert's Daily Prayers & Affirmations
The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1 - "In The Beginning . . ." A Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable
I later published this story which I originally had shared in my Journal
Leap of Faith ~ Publishing The Dance

* lifetime of Joy2MeU.com
I used to post Update Newsletters regularly but haven’t done that for a couple of years and am not sure if I ever will again - but I do send out special announcements periodically. I explain my reasons for doing that and give the most recent updates (September 2017) on a page dedicated to my grandson Darien.
New June 2018 Update Newsletter
February 14, 2019: Update Newsletter Feb. 2019
Here are the list of Update Newsletters on Joy2MeU siteindex page.
Mobile friendly site: Joy2MeU2.com launched 5-24-2018
Joy2MeU Web Site @ http://Joy2MeU.com - Launched 2-4-99
My original Joy to You & Me Web Site @ http://www.silcom.com/~joy2meu - Launched 2-28-98
Joy to You & Me Enterprises is the publishing company that Robert formed to publish his book in 1995.
Joy to You & Me Enterprises PO Box 1028 Cambria Ca. 93428 805-900-5273